Wednesday 22 January 2014

Easy Nutella brownies?

While I was stalking scolling down Facebook this popped up on my news feed!

NUTELLA BROWNIES!!! Nom nom nom nom.

It looked so easy I just had to try! I already had the ingredients in my pantry so all I had to do was whip up a batch. I baked my brownies for about 12-15 minutes at 180c and this is what mine looked like....

The verdict? I may have overcooked my brownies a little bit as they were not as chewy as what a brownie is supposed to be. But it tasted GOOD like chocolatey hazelnut good! I made about 23 bite-sized brownies from this recipe - they were all gone in 5 minutes.

Besides being a simple and tasty recipe, I thought it wasn't the greatest in terms of price and quantity. I mean Nutella is an expensive commodity! Since the recipe does not yield a lot (especially when people would eat at least 6 of the bite-sized brownies) it is not very affordable. I may need to experiment a bit more with this recipe and maybe use an el'cheapo version of Nutella and see if there is any noticeable difference.

I believe this recipe does not need to be limited to Nutella. Most nut butters would work but may need to add some sugar/sweetener as well if you want a sweet treat. But this recipe is definitely delicious and popular. Give it a try and let me know if you agree with me!


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